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Ring cycle path FR0 between Vierarmen and E40

  • Period: 2021 - ...
  • Start of study
    January 2022
R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay FR0 Omgeving Ringfietspad
Copyright: Omgeving

The Work on the Ring Road program is committed to more and better bicycle infrastructure through safe bicycle bridges, paths and tunnels. This will make it possible to cycle quickly and easily across the Ring. Construction of the Ring cycle path is part of this large-scale project.

There are several bicycle highways that run to and from Brussels: these are cycle routes that connect Brussels to the surrounding cities. Additional bicycle connections, such as the Ring Cycle path, are being created, to guarantee cyclists a smooth connection between these bicycle highways.

The section of the Ring Cycle path between the Vierarmen intersection and the E40 in Sterrebeek connects the F203 and F29 bicycle highways east of the Ring around Brussels. This connects to the Wezembeek-Oppem – Brussels bicycle connection.

There will be three bridges from Wezembeeklaan to the connection with bicycle highway F203, which are primarily aimed at avoiding dangerous crossings:

  • A new bicycle and pedestrian bridge that creates easy access to the Ring Cycle path and safe crossing of Wezembeeklaan.
  • Easy ride over the O. Burburelaan using a new bicycle and pedestrian bridge.
  • Safe pedestrian and bicycle crossing by installing a new bridge over Alfons Lenaertstraat at Kerkhoflaan.
  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay FR0 Omgeving
    Copyright: Omgeving
  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay FR0 Omgeving Ringfietspad
    Copyright: Omgeving
  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay FR0 Omgeving Ringfietspad
    Copyright: Omgeving

The elaboration of this project is achieved through close cooperation between SBE – Omgeving – Ney & Partners – D+A. SBE is jointly responsible for:

Responsibilities SBE

  • Stability design of retaining structures and modifications to existing acoustic barriers
  • Preparation of the tender file


  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay

    Redesign R0 East Brussels

    The Ring around Brussels is being given a new lease of life, with full commitment to the mobility of the future and to improving the quality of life for people and animals around the Ring Road. In September 2019, De Werkvennootschap published a vision statement ‘Program Work on the Ring Road’. This was the start of a great story.
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Other subprojects

  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay Welriekendedreef

    Welriekendedreef bicycle ramp

    The construction of the Welriekendedreef bicycle ramp is part of the ambition to cycle quickly, easily and above all safely along and across the Ring. The existing pedestrian tunnel under the Ring, at the end of Welriekendedreef, will therefore be rebuilt into a gentle bicycle ramp.
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  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay fietshelling F205

    Bicycle highway F205

    The construction of the bicycle highway F205 along the Terhulpsesteenweg will provide a direct connection between Terhulpen / Hoeilaart and Brussels. In this way, the bicycle highway fulfills a missing link in the bicycle network.
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  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay fietshelling F204

    Bicycle highway F204

    The construction of bicycle highway F204, parallel to the E411, provides a direct connection between Brussels and the Walloon border towards Wavre. The bicycle highway thereby provides a safe cycle path and safe route.
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  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay dorpskern Jezus-Eik

    Redesign of Jezus-Eik village center

    Following the Overijse municipal master plan, the approach to the Jezus-Eik village center is an initial important step. The ambition here is to transform Jezus-Eik into a gateway to the Sonian Forest.
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  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay F29 Tervuren Bertem Leuven fietssnelweg fietsen

    Bicycle highway F29

    The construction of bicycle highway F29 will provide a fast, safe and comfortable connection between Brussels, Tervuren and Leuven. We connect nearby neighborhoods through the future bicycle highway and build bicycle tunnels and bridges to avoid dangerous crossings with pedestrians, cars and public transportation.
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  • R0 oost Brussel Werken aan de ring maatschap Zoniën Mobiel SBE Omgeving Ney & Partners D+A Mint Hesselteer engineering #teamsbe #expertsatplay Wezembeek-Oppem Brussel Fietsen fietsweg

    Wezembeek-Oppem – Brussels cycling route

    Currently, the possibilities for building a cycling route between Wezembeek-Oppem and Brussels are still being studied. The cycling route should connect Brussels to bicycle highway F29 (Tervuren-Leuven).
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Seine-Schelde sluis Harelbeke engineering SBE #teamsbe #expertsatplay


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