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Kornwerderzand and Breezanddijk traffic viaducts

  • Period: 2021 - 2023
  • End of works
  • Start of works
  • End of study
  • Start of study
  • Traffic viaducts A7 The Afsluitdijk
    Copyright: Rijkswaterstaat – Levvel – Topview Nederland
  • Traffic viaducts A7 The Afsluitdijk
    Copyright: Rijkswaterstaat – Levvel – Topview Nederland
  • Traffic viaducts A7 The Afsluitdijk
    Copyright: Rijkswaterstaat – Levvel – Topview Nederland

The Kornwederzand and Breezanddijk traffic viaducts are part of the iconic Afsluitdijk, which is a 32-kilometer-long water barrier that is currently undergoing extensive renovation and reinforcement to continue to protect the Netherlands from flooding in the future.

Assessment of the viaducts

As part of Afsluitdijk, we carefully assessed the structural safety of the existing Breezanddijk and Kornwerderzand traffic viaducts, which span the A7. This assessment took place according to the standards for “Reconstruction” as described in the RBK1.1 (Engineering Design Guidelines), supplemented by the project- and object-specific requirements. In the case of the Breezanddijk viaduct, we reinforced the substructure with additional concrete and drilled-in reinforcement to ensure that it could withstand collision impacts.

The superstructure (the bridge decks) was tested against the requirements for “future-proof use” with a residual lifespan to 2050. The substructure (the intermediate supports) was also tested for the ‘collision’ strain situation. This means they have been recalculated to meet contemporary traffic loads to guarantee structural safety.

Responsibilities SBE

SBE provided project management for the recalculation of the Kornwerderzand and Breezanddijk viaducts.

  • Project management for the recalculation of both viaducts
  • Supervision and direct reinforcement measures to the substructure
  • Design consultation and coordination with Rijkswaterstaat, Levvel, and other stakeholders involved for the design
Learn more about civil engineering & infrastructure


  • The Afsluitdijk drone

    The Afsluitdijk

    Afsluitdijk, a 32-kilometer-long water barrier, has served as the physical barrier between Ijsselmeer and Wadden Sea for 90 years, which provides the Netherlands with flood protection. De Nieuwe Afsluitdijk prepares this water barrier for the future by raising and reinforcing it by utilizing innovations in energy, economy and ecology.
    View this project

Other sub projects

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    Kornwerderzand guard lock

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    View this project
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    Den Oever guard lock

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    Walkway at Vlietermonument

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