We recently made our carbon footprint calculation for 2023. Our carbon footprint is calculated annually with regards to our CO2-management system (CO2-performance ladder).
We map our CO2 emissions arising from
– scope 1: heating and fossil fuels fleet,
– scope 2: electricity (offices but also electricity from charging your company car)
– scope 3: business travel (e.g. travel by plane, travel by train,… different from company cars)
From these results, we know which activities account for the largest share of our total emissions and where we can then take the most effective measures to reduce our emissions.
Carbon footprint 2023
The total carbon footprint of 2023 of all six offices was equal to 480 tons of CO2. This is corresponding to the annual average CO2 uptake by 20.000 trees.
A total decrease of 28 ton of CO2compared to 2022!
Just as the previous years, scope 1 (gas and fossil fuel fleet) is the most polluting factor of our total carbon footprint accounting for 88%.
If we take a look at the breakdown by category, there weren’t major surprises compared to previous years. A small decline of 3% in the emissions from heating was identified, originating from the energy efficiency measures implemented in 2023 in the HQ.
We also installed solar panels, in Sint-Niklaas, which also shows a small decrease in the total electricity emissions although we opened two extra offices in 2023 and more cars started charging at the loading infrastructure.
Also business travel (excluded comany cars) increased with 1% due to an increasing number of trips by train and plane.
Scope 1
In total, scope 1 is associated with emissions of 421 tons of CO2. With a 94% share, the fossil vehicle fleet is still the largest emission source within scope 1. In total, the CO2 emissions associated with heating of SBE’s various sites correspond to 25.5 tons (compared to 40 ton in 2021) of CO2 of which Sint-Niklaas still has the largest share.
SBE’s fossil car fleet caused emissions of 395.87 tons of CO2 in 2023. The diesel share keeps on decreasing (from 45% to 30%). In 2022 we noted, for the very first time since our calculations, a smaller share of emissions from diesel cars than those of petrol cars, a trend that continues in 2023.
The total emissions from the fossil fleet, decreased with 15% but we did notice an increase in petrol consumption and emissions (due to the increasing number of employees and thus company cars). To give a more accurate impression of the numbers, we look at the evolution of emissions over the years per FTE for our comparisons of reduction goals.
Scope 2
In total, emissions of 40 tons of CO2 can be linked to electricity consumption (scope 2). These emissions are of course mainly due to consumption within Sint-Niklaas (44% compared to 76% in 2022) but also the Belgian sites’ electric vehicle fleet already accounts for a fairly large share of 35% (compared to 19% in 2022).
In comparison with 2022, the total CO2 emissions from scope 2 increased with 2 tons (we did install solar panels, but also opened two offices and had an increase in the number of electrict cars in our fleet). Small side note: Leaseplan cannot yet show all home charging sessions in the charging report, so the actual share of electric fleet is likely to be higher.
Scope 3
In total, scope 3 or business travel activities are associated with emissions of 18 tons of CO2 (versus 14 tons in 2022). Within these emissions, air travel still has the largest share (79%).
In comparison with 2022, the total CO2 emissions from scope 3 increased with 4 tons of CO2 because we there was more air travel, but also a 40% increase in number of kilometers travelled by train.
Reduction goals
If we then take a look at our reduction goals we notice, in total over all scopes a decrease of 14% emissions per FTE in 2023 compared to 2022 (2,7 per FTE in 2022) versus 2,3 per FTE in 2023)! Scope 1 we achieved a decrease of 16 percent tons of CO2 compared to 2022. Mainly due to decreasing gas consumption in our HQ and increase in number of electric cars in our fleet. So we achieved our scope 1 reduction goal.
Scope 2 (electricity) + scope 3 (business travel) had a total decrease of 6% (0,299 ton of CO2 per FTE to 0,280 ton of CO2 per FTE) so the set target of 10% wasn’t achieved. Probably because the grey power we still buy (in addition to the power from the solar panels we generate) still weighs too much in the end and we noticed an increase in air travel. We need to look here at whether we should not adjust the 2024 target.
Broken down by scope, this looks as follows: for scope 2 we achieved a 14% decrease in tons of CO2 emissions per FTE compared to 2022. But in scope 3 we had an 14% increase CO2 emissions per FTE compared to 2022.
How can you make a difference?
- Choose sustainable travel! Leave your car behind and opt for public transport or a bike to get around. It’s good for the planet – and a great way to start your day!
- Keep the energy in! Close windows when the heating is on in winter or the air conditioning in summer to keep our spaces efficient.
- Lights out, energy saved! Switch off the lights when you’re the last to leave a meeting room or office. Every small action helps!
- Go green with your car! Over the summer months, charge your vehicle as much as possible here at SBE, where we use solar generated energy. Charging at home may not always be from renewable sources.
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