We implement company policies to provide clear guidelines, fostering a harmonious work environment and ensuring consistency.
Our policies promote transparency, set expectations, and prioritize employee well-being, all while enhancing the customer experience through reliable service and ethical practices.
Our core values – ‘Assuring quality’, ‘Designing as one team’, and ‘Building a family’—define us as a company, outlining who we are and what we stand for. These values are integral to our daily activities, shaping our identity as a professional player and forming the DNA of our organization. They serve as the foundation for our Code of Conduct & Ethics, guiding us in upholding SBE values and contributing to our corporate culture, aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Integrity and ethical behavior are cornerstones of our organization. To uphold these values, SBE has established a whistleblowing system. This system allows employees and external parties to confidentially report breaches of internal policies, procedures, and applicable laws. It ensures protection against retaliation.
SBE’s Whistleblowing policy outlines how, when, and by whom reports can be filed, and how they will be handled.
SBE prioritizes quality and sustainability in-house, striving for customer satisfaction through safe and reliable services. Our Integrated Management System (IMS), aligned with ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment), and the CO2 Performance Ladder, ensures compliance with customer requirements and legal regulations. The IMS, while not yet ISO 45001 certified, is designed to be resilient and easily expandable to meet future business needs.
At SBE, we prioritize the seamless continuity of our business operations, fostering trust among employees and clients. Our corporate policy emphasizes safeguarding our workforce, temporary personnel, third parties, and the environment from undesired incidents. We invest time and resources in a robust safety management system.
Management actively upholds key principles, prioritizing safety, striving for optimal working conditions, maintaining vigilance, embedding safety in every role, and minimizing environmental impact. We expect #teamsbe to embrace these principles, demonstrating self-discipline and responsibility. Our commitment extends to diligent oversight of hardware, assets, and equipment for optimal functionality, accuracy, and safety. Our policy undergoes an annual review, aligning with our evolving needs, and proactive measures are taken to realign SBE with our steadfast policy.
SBE aims to provide sustainable and high-quality expertise in hydraulic engineering, civil engineering & infrastructure, urbanism & design, industry & buildings, and electromechanics. Our goal is to offer integrated solutions that positively contribute to mobility, transportation, climate resilience, and industrial development.
We aspire to grow within and outside the Benelux, broaden expertise, integrate complementary fields, and strengthen its image as a reputable niche player in civil and hydraulic engineering. With a focus on quality and sustainability, our Integrated Management System (IMS) ensures compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and the CO2 Performance Ladder, meeting customer requirements and legal regulations.
Would you like to know more about our policies?
You can find all the information in our policy documents.
Would you like additional details regarding our policy statements or management systems?
Feel free to reach out to us, we are looking forward to help you!